Sunday, October 14, 2012

it's in the mail

ok. so tonight we FINAAAAALLLLLYYYYY finished up our domestic adoption application and sent it off 6 minutes ago. Yahoooo. It feels so good to just get it out of our hands and off in the mail and straight into God's hands. Love that I'M so not in charge of this whole thing and if He wants to speed up the very lengthy process, He could do that.

sometimes it's very hard to believe that we will ever actually be a 'family' or have a child in our home. we've waited so long already, and it's easy for me (as a pessimist) to feel hopeless in the situation.  I'm trying to surround myself with positive stories and happy endings. Otherwise I tend to drown in a puddle of pessimism. ha ha.

i also wanted to share a very special event taking place here in saskatoon this upcoming friday. End the Wait will be happening at Hope Fellowship Church.

"Attend an End the Wait seminar, available in Saskatoon this fall. If you’ve ever considered adoption, have adopted or would like to do more to support foster and adoptive families in your community, this event is for you."  

And Orphan Sunday is coming up on Sunday, November 4th. You can watch the official video below!

Orphan Sunday 2012 from Christian Alliance for Orphans on Vimeo.


  1. Beautiful faces of children on the video. We keep on praying, knowing that He is hearing your prayers, He is our refuge and strength, and we are believing in Faith for His time! I keep thinking of what Grandpa said - He is praying that God will give you the desire of your heart!! YES!!! love you, MOM

  2. Good luck! Hope you hear good news soon.

  3. That is awesome Camille! I miss talking with you. We will have to get together in the New Year!
