Monday, August 13, 2012

a meeting

on friday we finally got the message we'd been waiting for - an intake appointment with our (OUR! YAY!) case worker. in other words, we were contacted by a social worker, and are scheduled to meet with her in one week. This appointment is an opportunity to sit down with a SW to discuss the reality of the children in the care of Social Services. At the end of the meeting, we'll be able to take home the application and get it filled out. And officially apply!

i'm anxious to get it filled out and proceed on our way with domestic adoption, especially since our projected wait time could be up to seven years. Deep breath....


  1. PRAYING for you guys, just heard the story this week from Phil's cousin who waited for 10 years for their own and then went for adoption. A month after applying they got new born twin boys!

    Love you

    1. Oh thanks so much Auntie! I really needed to hear a positive story today :)

  2. so excited to hear of your progress. will be praying for you both. love Aunt Anita

  3. Went back to catch up on your older posts. Wow, thanks for sharing this blog! love you guys and support you ♥
    Sarah W

  4. Awesome!! A step forward, how exciting!
