Saturday, May 5, 2012

let's learn together

going through this process has opened my eyes to the world of adoption.  i'm enjoying and trying to soak up as much as possible in terms of educating myself to be the best advocate i can be for adoption.

so this may be post #1 in a little educational series I'm going to be doing throughout the process. Mostly for my own benefit to, but also in hopes that you, the reader, can benefit from this knowledge and do your best to share these truths with others around you.

i was reading "The Whole Life Adoptions Book" (Schooler & Atwood) a few weeks ago and came across a good resource for good guide when it comes to adoption 'language'.

Accurate Language

Less Accurate Language

Birthparent Real parent, natural parent
My child Adopted child, own child
Choosing an adoption planGiving away, giving up your child
Finding a family to parent your child Putting your child up for adoption
Deciding to parent the childKeeping your baby
Person/individual who was adoptedAdoptee
To parentTo keep
Child in need of a familyAdoptable child, available child
ParentAdoptive parent
International or intercountry adoptionForeign adoption
Child who has special needsHandicapped child; hard-to-place child
Child from another countryForeign child
Was adoptedIs adopted
Birth RelativeBlood relative


  1. Wow, good to know! It's amazing how many words we use without thinking about their meaning.

    1. i know, eh? i've used them too, and not thought about how hurtful they could be.

  2. Congratulations Andrew & Camille,
    We were excited to hear of your decision to choose to adopt.
    You are an awesome couple; will make wonderful parents.
    God has a special child waiting for you.
    Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey.
    Look forward to seeing you later this month.
    Love & blessings,
    Wes & Cheryl

    1. Thanks so much Wes & Cheryl! We appreciate your love and support SO much. Love you and see you soon.
