Saturday, November 17, 2012


today andrew, dad, sister and i all participated in the SaskAdoptWalk 2012.  this walk has been happening here in Saskatoon for a few years now and raises support for:
  • Offering post-secondary education scholarships for adoptees.
  • Scholarships for students entering the field of Social Work with a special interest in adoption.
  • Educating the public and raising awareness about the children in our province who would benefit from the permanency of adoption.
  • Raising general awareness about adoption.
andrew and my sister walked the full 5km track, while my dad and i did about 3.5km. so fun!

the best part of today was seeing the wide variety of families, old and young, with varied (and beautiful) skin tones walking the track. my favorite was an adorable, chubby toddler with beautiful curly hair and dark cocoa skin running after the 'bayoons".

seeing the beautiful families and these precious children gives me hope for our future. we have no idea how or when our child will come into our home, but it WILL happen and hope is a precious commodity these days.

thank you God for hope. and family.